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Community Center Lease Agreement



Rent for Community Members: Half Day: $225.00; Full Day: $350.00
Rent for Non-Community Members: Half Day: $325.00; Full Day: $550.00
Damage Deposit $200.00

Your reservation request for the Community Center will not be confirmed until we receive your full payment of the rent and damage deposit and the completed Lease Agreement form below. Payment and Lease Agreement form must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the event and it is your responsibility to ensure their delivery.

PLEASE NOTE: All checks will be deposited immediately upon receipt in order to verify the funds are good. At the end of your party, the Community Center will be inspected for damage and cleanliness. Deposit returns may take up to 30 days to process and mail out. Please note that once the deposit is sent, it may take up to 7 days for delivery. The Operations Manager will be in contact with you on the amount to be returned after the party.

ACCESS: We will provide a key the day of your event. You will be contacted the week prior to the event via phone to schedule a meeting time.

*Rental time max is 6 hours and INCLUDES set-up and clean-up. If you wish to have a longer event, you must reserve and pay the rental fee for both time slots ($350 Community Member / $550 Non-Community Member plus Damage Deposit). If your party extends the 6 hour maximum, funds from your damage deposit may not be returned. To indicate you wish to host a longer event, check both boxes above and call us at 970-829-1667 after you submit your rental agreement.

Please make checks payable to Two Rivers Metro District. Drop off the check to the TRMD drop-box located next to the front door at the Community Center: 80 Lakeshore Drive Gypsum, CO 81637

DAMAGE DEPOSIT: The Damage Deposit shall be paid by the Lessee in the amount shown above. The deposit without interest, will be returned to The Lessee via check after completion of the event and inspection of the facility. If damage has occurred, the deposit, less costs of repairs and/or cleanup will be returned. If these costs are greater than the deposit the Lessee will be billed for the balance. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THERE ARE THE SAME NUMBER OF CHAIRS AND TABLES AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF EACH EVENT. ANY MISSING/DAMAGED ITEMS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR DEPOSIT. Please let us know if any items are missing before you begin your event.

Legal Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is between Two Rivers Metropolitan District and the above named Lessee.

TERM: This agreement shall begin on the rental date & time shown above and shall end on the same date. NO ALCOHOL OR SMOKING PERMITTED. Rental must end by time shown above. Clean up must be completed by end time shown above. Failure to comply with the terms of this agreement will result in the forfeiture of the Damage Deposit.

LESSEE RESPONSIBILITIES: The Lessee has inspected the facility and is familiar with the present condition thereof and agrees to accept the facility in such condition at the commencement of the lease term unless noted above. Lessee will be responsible for the conduct and control of participants, and shall provide for appropriate policing of the premises to maintain public peace and order and trash control. Should management of Two Rivers Village need to respond to the community center due to blown circuit breakers from Lessee overloading circuits with extra appliances, microwaves or any other electronic devices, there shall be a $75.00 fee. This fee shall be deducted from Damage Deposit.

RELEASE OF TWO RIVERS VILLAGE METRO DISTRICT LIABILITY: Any and all personal property stored in or on the leased premises by the Lessee shall be at the Lessee’s sole risk. Two Rivers Metro District shall have no liability for loss or damage to any property or person of a Lessee, or otherwise, arising from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to, theft, fire, water damage, mysterious disappearance, rodents, vermin, or natural disaster, and regardless of whether such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of a third party. It is further agreed that the duty to insure is solely upon the Lessee. Two Rivers Metro District may require liability insurance with Two Rivers Metro District named as an “additional insured". Moreover, the Lessee will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor (an “Indemnitee”) from any and all threatened or actual expenses of any nature, including attorneys’ fees and court costs, sustained or incurred by or asserted against any Indemnitee by any person, firm, corporation, governmental authority, partnership or other entity by reason of or arising out of or related to: (a) the Lessee’s violation or break of any term, condition, representation or warranty of this Agreement or any applicable policy or guideline; (b) the Lessee’s conduct, including, without limitation, the Lessee’s negligence, gross negligence, or willful misconduct; and (c) the Lessee’s improper or illegal use of the property.

Any breach of the terms of this lease will result in the immediate forfeiture of the Damage Deposit, and in certain circumstances, may result in legal action.
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